Too much yellow can make you feel gay..
2nd of the 1st,
The duck reminds you of bath time..when fat ppl strip n go into toilet..GAY..
3rd of the 1st,
They use stupid childish songs to *try* n promote DiGi, but all it does is keep me awake at nite n think of gay ppl..
4th of the last of 1st,
Wat happen to the freaky gay yellow dude???..i think he got shot..(hopefully)..
Cause i feeling malas, this is the last of the first everlasting lastness of 1st intentionally last reason,
Im using DiGi..means i can send free gay sms to you all!!! Muahahahahahahahahahahah!!
Typing this is so gay, i think i gonna watch barney n frens on youtube..<