
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Function junk-tion.

Crap..when u reach chap 5, u forget chap 1...then when u do back chap 1, u lose the rest.


f(chap1)=forgetting chap 1= chap 5 pro.
chap5-chap1=chap 4
f(x)=forgetting everything.

okay..nvm..the above is a failed equations...i bet those ppl who set add maths question get paid gazillions for questions to torture our minds..sad.

subjects i aim A..

Add maths, English, Maths, maybe sejarah....

Conclusion. screw exam. hello hello drum exams=]

A wise man once said,"Follow your heart, ur brains, your thinking skills or your mind, but always remember to follow your heart..cause deep inside that red-muscular-soft-funky thing inside you, there is always a voice that will say "Yes/No/Maybe/Your on your own on this one" to you constantly..if u plot it in a graph, it will increase linearly. Ohmy, this is a pretty long saying..i think ill end it here."

So ppl, think about the saying is a life changer!
