So, its been awhile! and there are some many things that happened which i cant possibly list all out unless i havent a life but i do so, yeah.
im done with my grade 8 drums =)
i hanged out with the hottest chick in KL
froze my ass/hands/mouth in KL.
I touched the singer for Pop Shuv It but idk his name so, yeah.
30 Seconds To Mars? more like, i was on Mars!
VJ Holly? mehh
I would have taken alot of pictures, but my phone was running out of if you want em', you gotta dissect my brain. be warn, its full of crap.
What can I say, awesome 17th birthday with awesome people!!
I met Lala's friends Lynn and Lynn something. yes, two lynns. (idk if im even spelling it right lol)
One of the lynns is taller than me== so i diam only.
Drum cover coming up real soon! faster than you can say aerliaguehbfrgaliuerbgaleiruabglkfjbgaelirguaelirgabekrjbgalieurbgaekjrbgalderiubgalekjbgfralierubgalieubrgalebrkigbaekjb
Bah, ill end with this song Twenty Four-Switchfoot. twenty four hours have now past and not a single minute without you in my mind.