So, life after PMR is good!..i was SUPPOSE to be as free as a bird, but due to my parents, i feel like im as free as a bird, in a bigger cage==
Moving on, yesterday, there was this damn useless ceramah. It WAS suppose to help us remember notes better, but they started saying weird stuff like numbers..idk wth it means. And we were split into groups, i was the leader. My 'minions' were awesome. Most of them sporting oso. I think the only things i gain from the ceramah was a flatter ass, and some frens..
Quote,"If students dun want it, why the hell do you give it to them knowing they will make alot of noise?"
2day was one of my frens birthday. Happy birthday!
Quote,"Nice cake, was it strawberry?"
I dun feel like cooking anymore. I think music is for me. but ofcourse, i will still try burning water. Its damn hard, u try la.
Quote,"Some cook books are useless, they dun tell you how to start a fire."
So i think i will be blogging more often now. its quite fun, although i dun put much pictures. im not the picture type..for now..
Quote,"If manuals tell us everything we need to noe, why the heck do we still ask questions?"