The Day TacoFReak Became TAcoMAn..Yes a REAL man..with muscles and all..anyway..this is how he became a man..montoku was wiped around his arm..as shown above..well..its not clear cause my mom took the pic obviously..her saying, "Good Picture Must HAve Movement"..back to becoming a real MAn.. then..the guy puts something else..
Well..i cant show you wat he puts but this is the thingy he uses to cover it..cool eh??...pls dun mind the background thing..drum thingy..anyway..moving on..
See the yellow thing behind?..it says danger..yes, its dangeruos...the tubes behind?..its just tubes...the number?? its the phone number..seriously..014689524..call me!..Now..u see the red colour thinghy?...thats a non-alcoholic substance..so its not important..
The point of this test is to see wether i have hipopotamus in my blood..the hipos got name oso..not bad..there is one named hipopotamus A, and another hipopotamus B....C kena buruh dan mati sudah..
I gtg..so Chao!
Add on..this is a test..got marks wan..i either get A, B, AB( its like A- or B+) or 'o'(another way of writting zero) which means fail..