
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Uses Of The 'Ugh' Word..

Ugh is a common expresion used by many but they dunno where it comes from..well, neither do i came out of severall conclusions for the phrase 'ugh'..

1st, it is used to express ur anger, eg. I WANTED ONIONS ON MY STEAK! UGH! can oso express disguisting things that happen to u, eg. THERE ARE ONIONS ON MY STEAK!! UGH!!..

2nd, it is used in rap lyrics to make it sound more "fly"..Yoyoyo, check it out, ugh ugh yeah yeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh..

3rd, after drinking a nice cup of coffee, jenny, or any other nice just make u wanna say..ahhh..which has nth to do with ugh..back to subject..

4th, well..there is one more...but its too dirty to be typed..and oso it will pollute young minds of various different kinds of there be no 4th conclusion..

6th, u realised u there is no 5th, now ur reading this more...more..more..and u have a smile on your face...and u realized u just got punked..swoosh swoosh swoosh!!! so now u say Ugh..

well..i gtg eat my steak..with vegetables..ugh...Chao!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Results..

Yes..Now i noe wether i passed the manly test or not..exactly 7 days which is 168 Hours also known as 10080 mintutes which equals 604800 seconds after the test, the results were out..NOw, heres the thing..if you wanna find out my blood group, there is a question..
1st, add 40 and 50 together, then subtract it by 25, after that add 3, then times it by 20, then minus it by 1300, plus 8 to it, and finally subtract it by 60..wasnt that fun?, my blood group letter looks like that number..can you guess it?..if cant..too bad..n erm, ask me for the real answer! haha..
