
Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Yes, i am now going to college, Institut Sinaran to be exact. Well its kinda interesting with the new friends and all, but lately i just dont feel like studying at all o.o so i hope the feelin will come soon, cause 1st lesson starts tomorrow =0

I had a MoHawk for 2 days, which was awesome, no pics with me cause im not that vain. cough. like some people. cough.

I dont know why i dont post pics, maybe tomorrow ill bring my flipcam and snap some shots. but till then, no pics hahahahaha

Just got back from Miraen's farewell dinner =( bye bye drama queen!!! You have led us excellently this year! always da best director there is! and again, no pics. Go Kim Ho's blog lah, that one sure got.

Alright, nothing to say, so chao!

*A skylit drive-love the way you lie