Funny isnt it? the title..they say you have to give respect to get respect..but, thats not really what u see...younger ppl are forced to respect elder ppl, for instance, we youths have to respect ppl like Jacob, even though we ALL know he is damn useless, deserves no respect(not even from my neighbours cat), and is kinda a son-of-a-u noe. We still have to respect him.
Yes, finally, me stressed reliefed. I dont mind giving respect to older strangers, but i do mind giving this priceless thing to overly-useless ppl. Its like burning all your valuables and memorable stuff in a fire. 1, its pointless unless it is for God. 2, What kinda idiot does that?. i mean, there is a reason why u keep ur valuables and not burn them before. Honestly, i sometimes think he is like a demon possesed freak or something.
During CF last Friday, while we were all worshiping the Lord, he was there doing things on his labtop, which caused him to use the socket, which cause eveything in the room to trip, which cause me to sing out of tune, which totally ruined our praise and worship time. Shouldnt he be worshiping with us all? aint that wat brothers and sisters in christ do?
Anyway, i just made him famous in my blog, ==. ( see the extra mole? )
Bakat was awesome btw, me and my guys got high and the all the high stuff u could imagine.
Danial, this is for you!..

OMG, he is so cute...NOT.
haha, cant believe this gay dude is actually on my blog...this must be the gayest post ever!..EVER.
Chao~ with the moles...........................................................................................................................
Possibilites of Jacob emoticons
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